All hail the headsand heartsthat make us.

We are Thesis.

Our agency, our work, and our world are better when different perspectives come together.

Wale Adekoya - Production Coordinator
John Agnew - Head of Creative
Sadiyah Ali - Developer
Marcus Alipate - Producer
Faulkner Allocco - Production Director
Jason Almeda - Production Coordinator
KC Anderson - Principal Producer
Molly Anzalone - Senior Producer
Manny Aponte - Production Lead
Nadia Bair - Account Supervisor
Ty Barber - Senior Strategist
Makenna Barner - Account Director
Roz Barnfield - Head of Accounts, Nike
Kennedy Barrera-Cruz - Designer
Kiana Beach - Producer
Trisha Bell - Producer
Liz Bitters - Production Lead
Royal Black - Designer
Katie Bourne - Account Supervisor
Kathy Boyd - Payroll Manager
Erica Brotzman - Production Lead
Ryan Buchanan - Founder & Chairman
Alli Burkett - Account Supervisor
Corey Butler - Production Lead
Cailin Carlile - Designer
Annie Carlson - Design Director
Joe Carolino - Chief Creative Officer
Ariel Castaneda - Senior Designer
Kimberley Catchpole - Group Director
Min Soo Choi - Producer
Bree Chun - Senior Designer
Megan Clark - Production Coordinator
Sean Clark - Producer
Rocky Clarke - Head of Accounts
Hannah Cocanour - Senior Producer
Sara Cocco - Chief Operating Officer
Ryder Cochrane - Producer
Sam Cohen - Motion Designer
Mara Connolly - Senior People Operations Manager
Kimberlin Conway - Strategy Lead
Evan Corpuz - Creative Director
Ronnie Cribbin - Learning and Development Director
Bri Cubelo - Producer
Connor Daniel - Senior Product Operations Manager
Laurel Degutis - Producer
Brittany Del Hierro - Production Coordinator
Caseem Desphy - Producer
Anayeli Diaz-Espinosa - Producer
Tiffany Diggs - Production Coordinator
Joe Djanga - Junior Developer
Bunty Drewitt - Production Lead
Alex Driver - People Operations Director
Mark Dusk - Senior Creative Director
Lindsey Edge - Production Lead
Maika Enhada - Senior Producer
Jane Esterline - Production Lead
Kalie Eyman - Writing Lead
Andrea Feehan - Production Lead
Sita Fidler - Senior Designer
Danielle Fleming - Senior Accountant
Ryan Flitcroft - Developer
Jason Flugum - Design Lead
Jaimee Fox - Corporate Communications Director
Umi Francis - Account Director
Marcus Garrett - Product Operations Lead
Kate Gilley - Production Lead
Adolfo Gonzalez - Designer
Ellie Gonzalez - HR Generalist
Karla Graciano - Senior Designer
Hannah Grandjean - Associate Production Director
Alexandra Grant - Producer
Armani Grant - Production Coordinator
Gregory Guidry - Producer
Will Gutierrez - Designer
Brandon Ha - Production Lead
Daniel Haggard - Production Lead
Elizabeth Harney - Writing Lead
Shon-Lueiss Harris - Writing Lead
Ashley Heinonen - Social Media Analyst
Alex Helenius - Senior Designer
Andrew Herr - Finance Director
Marc Hewitt - Production Lead
Katie Heynderickx - Production Lead
Fran Hicks - Production Lead
Abby Hoffman - Design Lead
Cassie Hoover - Production Lead
Shaun Howie - Product Operations Director
Jason Huff - Design Lead
Krystal Jeffries - Creative Operations Lead
Clint Kamstra - Senior Designer
Maria Keen - Producer
Lauren Kelleher - Associate Account Director
Andrew Kim - Lead Developer
Leann Kim - Accounts Payable & Receivable Specialist
Libby Kohn - Account Director
Angel La Riva - Senior Producer
Courtney Lael - Writer
Amanda LaMarco - Motion Design Lead
Ned Lannamann - Associate Editing Director
Sydney Lau - Producer
Annaliese Laurila - Producer
Paulina Le - Designer
Molly Leaf - Head of Operations
Lucky Li - Designer
Sean Liburd - Design Lead
Clare Ling - Writer
Maria Linman - Chief People Officer
Elissa Liong - Lead Analyst
Jamal Little - Account Supervisor
Nickey Loescher - Senior Producer
Billy Manggala - Senior Writer
Kaitlyn Marcure - Senior Producer
Nicole Martin - Developer
Rosy Martinez - Design Lead
Allie May - Principal Producer
Kristen McKee - Senior Designer
Rachel Milbauer - Account Supervisor
Christine Miller - Writing Director
Olivia Miller - Developer
Chris Mitchell - Group Director
Matt Monnin - Production Director
Brandon Morayo - Motion Design Lead
Abby Morgan - Writer
Sarah Morgan - Senior Designer
Dani Mrkvička - Senior Writer
Julia Nemeth - Production Lead
Kallee Nguyen - Benefits & Leaves Specialist
Jim Nowierski - Head of Strategy & Performance
Samuel Nute - Production Lead
Morgan Nystrom - Creative Operations Director
Ruby O'Fennell - Café Barista
Alex Orr - Senior Digital Media Analyst
Addy Peake - Executive Producer
Adam Peaker - Chief Financial Officer
Karla Pell - Producer
Rod Perry - Production Director
Niani Phillips - Production Coordinator
Holly Pike - Senior Producer
Alison Pond - Design Lead
Max Radi - Design Director
Kurt Rasos - Design Lead
John Ray - Account Director
Catherin Reese - Senior Producer
Callan Reilly-Piña - Executive Assistant
Kimberly Rhoten - Senior Product Operations Manager
Pat Rice - Product Operations Principal
Lauren Robinson - Production Lead
Erin Roetker - Producer
Taylor Russell - Motion Designer
Jim Ryan - Principal Producer
Kelsey Rzepecki - Writing Lead
Jacob Salazar - Designer
Javier Sanchez - Designer
Laurie Seibold - Email Lead
Kris Shaull - Technology Director
Marisa Shiffer - Senior Producer
Daniel Sloan - Senior Product Operations Manager
Dara Smith - Senior Producer
Kaci Smith - Senior Motion Designer
McKinzie Smith - Producer
Griffen Snow - Lead Motion Designer
Ty Sokalski - Designer
Bayley Sprowl - Writing Principal
Casey Squillacote - Executive Assistant
Suny Stanfield - Design Lead
Mindy Stovey - Controller
Nat Stowell - Associate Production Director
Chandler Subra - Designer, Illustrator
Katie Sukalich - Associate Writing Director
Laura Sullivan - Account Supervisor
Katie Summer - Senior Producer
Christopher Sutton - Senior Product Operations Manager
Emily Takahashi - Designer
Elise Tokars - Production Coordinator
Samuel Tran - Junior Developer
Daisy Truong - Designer
Dion Tucker - Head of IT Operations
Robyn Unruh - Group Director, Program & Capabilities
Jacqueline Valle - Writing Lead
Crystal Vega - Human Resources Director
Natasha Vieira - Senior Producer
Benji Wagner - Executive Creative Director
Megan Watson - Writer
Lucy Weberlein - Senior Producer
Shirley Wong - Application Support Analyst
Meg Wong Stoney - Design Lead
Shannon Woolley - Senior Strategist
Patience Woolridge - Design Lead
Stacey Workman - Production Director
Michelle Wright - Facilities Manager
Mary Yajko McGiver - Writing Lead
Susan Yoon - Creative Operations Lead
Keely York - CEO
Egle Zalpys - Production Coordinator
Ivy Zhong - Producer

Many the minds. Plenty the perspectives.

Come as you are.

Diversity only works with fair treatment, access, and opportunity — and an all-in culture that supports people from all walks.

We are hiring.